
I've been thinking..

Sometimes I get into such a routine way of doing things that I get to the point where I feel like I'm just existing and not really living. I want to live my life, not just exist on this earth with no purpose or passion. I kind of feel that way now. It doesn't last for long, but it's just a little reality check every once in a while that's like, "Hey Bianca! Wake up and do something different. Do something with your life to get me off auto-pilot. Kthnx." Maybe I need to listen to that voice quicker than just settling for a while and being so apathetic. But this isn't saying that I'm not happy. I'm just bored with life at the moment and I need to pick it up in the next few days cause I'm turning 18 on Sunday! That's a reason to dance. :) 

I highlighted my hair last night. I don't really like it that much because it's the inbetween color between extreme dark brown and super blonde. It's almost like a golden color and it's yuckyyy. So if you see me, you don't have to tell me you like it if you don't. Ha. But it takes a few times to get it back to its blondness :) So, soon enough it'll back to blonde goodness!

"Remember that with each sunrise comes new opportunities. Today offers a clean slate upon which to record your life... and your legacy."


1 comment:

  1. I get bored with life a lot. Don't worry, it's quite a normal feeling. I haven't seen your hair, but I'm sure it looks fine.
