

Basically the story of my life. I really hate that I don't get things done. I've realized that it's only things that I don't understand. If it's something easy, like vocab, I'll do it instantly.. But if it's dumb Brit Lit then I put it off completely, well actually, don't do it at all. I need to start being a better student. I say that a lot. Maybe one day I'll learn...

Other than that, I'm pretty content and can't really complain about much. GOING TO NYC THIS WEEKEND! I haven't been in over a year and I'm excited for this weekend trip! Yay. I'm sure it'll basically by my little birthday present from my parents because I'll be buying so many things! Haha. So, that's cool. I'm excited about turning 18 in just two weeks. I feel like you can do so much when you're 18. I mean, I will be able to buy spray paint! It's basically great. So I'm SUPER excited. I love birthdays! 

But yeah... I'm gonna actually do my dual homework now and then get a head start on my paper that's due Monday. Woot for being productive! Wish me luck in this journey of becoming a better student :)

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